Program Initiatives
1. Running Start Summer Youth Program
A summer week long program designed to stimulate and spark interest of youth. Children are encouraged to choose a career option of interest and then given an opportunity to explore and learn more about that specific field. We engage retired, professional and community leaders to share their experience, wisdom and expertise to help each program participant (child).
Program example:
- The young Fireman/woman
- The young Mechanic
- The young Police Officer
- The young Entrepreneur
- The young Chef
- The young Accountant
- The young Astronaut
- The young Pilot
(Problem Solver)
These are just a few to begin with! We want to stimulate and develop young minds early! Our children are our future! A little investment today will pay dividends tomorrow. Again, our program initiatives are geared to spark vision and ignite passion in our youth.
2. Life Line Community Outreach (LLCO) Literacy Program
Life Line Community Outreach (LLCO) has partnered with the Life Enrichment Center (LEC) to support and encourage our young children’s READING. Reading early on and reading proficiently is vital. According to BeginToRead, some two-thirds of students who lack proficient reading skills by the end of FOURTH GRADE end up in jail or on welfare. The effects of child illiteracy is huge and has a negative impact on society. Low levels of literacy cost the U.S. an estimated $225 billion in work force productivity losses, crime, and unemployment-related loss tax revenue according to ProLiteracy. Did you know illiteracy is connected to unemployment and low-paying jobs? Did you know illiteracy results in a lack of college education, creating a smaller base of intellectually skilled employees in the workforce? According to the World Literacy Foundation, illiterate people earn about 35% less than literate employees on a global level.
Special Note: Childhood illiteracy is caused by numerous factors, but most often is related to home environments. Here are a few factors to consider: (1) Income levels, (2) Employment status, (3) Crime and violence rates and (4) Regional location. While there are other influences as well, these are front and center.
As a Non-Profit Organization, LLCO volunteers train to serve Title I School students once a week for one hour during the academic school year. Studies show that reading to students or them reading to volunteers along with sight word recognition development, makes a remarkable difference. In addition, both the student’s confidence and low self-esteem has proven to be elevated during this tutoring time.
Our Literacy Program
When – Every Tuesday
Where – P W Moore Elementary School
606 Roanoke Ave.
Elizabeth City, NC
Time – 3:30pm – 4:30pm
What you should know!
- The Literacy Program is FREE!
- The Literacy Program runs from October – May
- The Academic School Year Tutoring Program Ended May 28th
- We have plans to RESTART our 2024-2025 Tutoring Program in October
Upon Interest:
- Parents will complete the Parent Registration on the website and Submit
- Remember to check the program or activity of choice
- You may check more than 1 box for participating in our Programs/Activities
Summer Literacy Reading Program
The Summer Literacy Reading Program is a productive and preventative illiteracy program strategic to encourage reading during the summer break.
SIGN-UP June 1st – June 28th 2024
- We are encouraging every child to Read 1 or 2 Books a week
- We are asking each parent to set aside 30 minutes a day for reading time with their child
- Please feel free to email your child’s progress to: lifelinecommunityservices@ and provide the following information…
- We have established a Reward System for your child
- The Library Book Mobile has partnered with us this year 2024
*We have planned for a Library Tour and Book Checkout*
Special Note:
Lunch will be provided every Tuesday after the Reading Program
(Be sure to share with us any allergies or special instructions via EMAIL)
Why Summer Reading?
Socioeconomic Factors Behind Child Illiteracy:
About 80% of children living in economically disadvantaged communities will lose reading skills over summer breaks due to a lack of access to books and other resources, according to Reading is Fundamental.
What we know…
According to the US Prison Literacy Statistics from Wordsrated, Two-thirds of students who cannot read to grade level by the end of the fourth grade end up on welfare or in prison.
FACT: “Illiteracy can cause immeasurable damage to an individual’s emotional and intellectual development, and often limits a person’s ability to achieve a fulfilling and successful adult life.”
FACT: Illiteracy is linked to higher rates of incarceration! According to US prison literacy statistics, 3 out of 5 inmates in American prisons are illiterate.
Low-income parents are often disengaged from their children’s education, typically due to stress from financial and work insecurity, according to Literacy Partners.
If you would like to be one of our Sponsors for our Summer Reading Program, please see donate area below. 100% of the funds received will go directly to help our youth.
Monthly Youth Outings
Life Line Community Outreach (LLCO) monthly outings are intentional and a part of our program success. Each month, we engage our youth into various activities that will help stimulate and promote growth. These activities are designed to spark interest in our youth for a meaningful career path while having fun. Exposure is big! It is hopeful that while they learn, develop and grow, vision will be sparked and doors of opportunity opened.